Harry Potter oxford information

Hello Folks!
Did you know Oxford also has its own Diagon Alley. ?
It can be found near a very old pub in Oxford where many world leaders and celebrities have drank
It is not easy to find but it is said the inspiration for the diagon alley we see in the films originated from here.
Should you have information you would like to share on anything harry potter related in oxford please get in touch
We look forward to hearing from you.
Some fun Harry Potter Jokes
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Harry potter Joke
1. If a wizard gets robbed by a Muggle, has he been Muggled
2. Why is Mad-Eye Moody such a bad professor?
Because he can’t control his pupils.

3. What do you call the entrance to a magical gym?
A dumbbell door.
4. Harry, your godfather is dead.”
“Are you serious?!?” “Yep. Dead Sirius.
Harry Potter Oxford Quiz
Think you know all about harry potter and oxford? Take this quiz below and test your powers Muggle
Here is a Harry Potter quiz about Oxford that you can take to test your knowledge of the magical world of Harry Potter in this historic university city:
Which famous library in Oxford was used as the Hogwarts Library in the Harry Potter movies? a. Radcliffe Camera b. Duke Humfrey’s Library c. Ashmolean Museum d. Sheldonian Theatre
Which room in the Bodleian Library was used as the Hogwarts Infirmary in Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone? a. Divinity School b. Convocation House c. Chancellor’s Court d. Duke Humfrey’s Library
In which college can you find the tree where Malfoy was turned into a ferret by Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire? a. Christ Church College b. New College c. Magdalen College d. Merton College
Which staircase in Christ Church College was used to film the famous entrance scene where Professor McGonagall meets Harry, Ron, and Hermione? a. Tom Tower Staircase b. Peckwater Staircase c. Bodley Staircase d. Canterbury Staircase
Which dining hall in Oxford provided the inspiration for the Great Hall at Hogwarts? a. Exeter College Dining Hall b. Balliol College Dining Hall c. Christ Church College Dining Hall d. Trinity College Dining Hall
I hope you enjoy this quiz and learn more about Harry Potter’s magical world in Oxford!
Answers: 1) b, 2) a, 3) b, 4) c, 5) c.